European otter Lutra lutra

Although European otter Lutra lutra occupies an wide range in Europe, the species distribution was now restricted to some peculiar areas. The species declined everywhere in Europe.
Suffering severe habitat loss and destructions, otter populations were always threatened .

Road killed otter in Brittany
We surveyed otter presence since 1991 and studied the evolution of the specific range in France.
The efficiency of the umbrella species concept in conservation management was also tested using a top freshwater predator, the European otter.
LODÉ T. 2006. Can low densities of carnivores result in genetic depletion ? An investigation within European polecat populations. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetic 123: 122-158
BIFOLCHI A & LODÉ T. 2005. Efficiency of conservation shortcuts: a test with European otter as umbrella species for biodiversity preservation. Biological Conservation 126: 523-527
BIFOLCHI A & LODE T 2004. Linking biodiversity and otter presence: a challenge for conservation ? 22nd International Mustelid colloquium, Dassel (Germany)
BIFOLCHI A & LODE T 2004. Does the activity of the European otter affect American mink distribution ? 22nd International Mustelid colloquium, Dassel (Germany)
LODÉ T. 2002. Endangered species as indicator of freshwater quality: fractal diagnosis using fragmentation within European mink population. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 155 : 163-176.
LODÉ T. 1999 - Grand-Lieu: un refuge pour la Loutre d'Europe. Le Courrier de la Nature 175 : Spécial Grand-Lieu. 23-24.
LODÉT. 1995 - Variations de la fréquence de marquage de Lutra lutra dans l'ouest de la France. Cahiers d'Ethologie 15 : 245-250.
LODÉ T. 1993 - The decline of otter Lutra lutra populations in the region of the Pays de Loire, western France. Biological Conservation 65 : 9-13.
LODÉ T. 1993 - Variations of otter Lutra lutra sprainting in Western France Actes XVIIIème Colloque International de Mammalogie "European Min,ks & Otters Loutres et Visons". Niort. 1993.
MASON C.F. & LODÉ T. 1992 - Concentration de résidus de pesticides organochlorés et PCBs dans les épreintes de la Loutre Lutra lutra dans la région des Pays de Loire. Bull. Société des Sciences Naturelles Ouest France 14 : 109-113.
LODÉ T., GUIHARD L., LE JACQUES D., GUILLEMOT B., IBANEZ F., DESPREZ F., HARROUET M., TEILLET B., PAILLEY P., POURREAU D., REDOU C. & SIMON P. 1990 - La loutre Lutra lutra. Evolution récente des populations en Pays de Loire. Bull. Erminea sp 17
LODÉ T. 1989 - La loutre en Loire-Atlantique Lutra lutra L. 1758. Bull. Société des Sciences Naturelles Ouest France 11 : 69-76.
LODÉ T. 1989 - Impact des infrastructures linéaires : Vertébrés victimes de collisions routières. Bull. Erminea 10: 1-5.